The definition of CRM is customer relationship management. In a nutshell, CRM lets you store and manage prospect and customer information, like contact info, accounts, leads, and sales opportunities, in one central location. You’ll discover that it’s not just a fancy contact list. Ultimately, a CRM solution is a game-changing piece of technology for every industry under the sun — from retail and manufacturing, to real estate, construction, and many more.
As a result, CRM can help you:

1)Dashboard:Indashboard area in header section you can find the panel,finance,customer
&leads,tracking and also you find
setting,notification option there.

2)In dashboard body part you can find summery,ticket,transaction etc.

3)In sidebar:
a)CUSTOMERS:-All customer details you find here.

b)LEADS:-All crud operation you can do here.

c)PROJECTS:-In this panel you can see the status of the project.

d)INVOICE:-In this section you can see all invoice reports.

e)EXPENCES:-You can see your expences with category.

f)STAFF:-you get staff details here.

g)TICKET:you generate tickets,with set priority like high, medium,low.

i)TASKS:-We also provide task facility.


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